Update 18 contains:
- ČD 011 line: Praha-Běchovice - Praha-Vršovice - Praha hl. n., 15 km
- ČD 011 line: Praha-Libeň - Praha Mas. n., 5 km *
- ČD 011 line: Praha-Libeň - Praha hl. n. - Praha-Smíchov, 9 km *
- ČD 070 line: Praha-Smíchov - Praha hl. n. - Praha-Vysočany - Praha-Čakovice, 23 km *
- ČD 091 line: Praha Mas. n./Praha hl. n., Praha-Holešovice - Kralupy nad Vltavou, 27 km *
- ČD 171 line: Praha hl. n. - Praha-Smíchov - Beroun, 43 km *
- ČD 220 line: Benešov u Prahy - Olbramovice, 15 km *
- ČD 221 line:
Praha-Smíchov/Praha-Vysočany, Praha hl. n. - Praha-Vršovice - Benešov u Prahy, 55 km *
- ČD 231 line: Praha hl. n./Praha Mas. n. - Praha-Vysočany, 6 km *
- ČD ML line: Metropolitan Line Praha-Libeň - Praha-Holešovice - Roztoky u Prahy, 14 km *
- ŽSR 170 line: Vrútky - Diviaky - Čremošné, 42 km
- ŽSR 170 line: Čremošné - Banská Bystrica - Zvolen osob. st., 54 km *
- accomplishment of landscape between Praha-Běchovice a Praha-Libeň
- total reconstruction of Polanka nad Odrou station
- total reconstruction of Vrútky station
- original tunnel signals in Bujanov tunnel
- installation of signals with variable speed indicators all over the route
- modification of trolley line poles all over the route
- new signal bridges between Praha and Poříčany
- original model of Košice station
- modification of restriction zones in Ostravsko region
- modification of static cars in stations
- station announcements in Praha-Vršovice and Praha hl. n. stations
* only tracks, without landscape
DOWNLOAD, part 1, size: 300 MB
DOWNLOAD, part 2, size: 300 MB
DOWNLOAD, part 3, size: 254 MB
Note: It is necessary to download all three parts of the update for its right function.
The parts are dependent on each other, so do not rename the filename sections ".partX.rar". Just
extract the first part, the others will be extracted automatically, too. If you do not have all three
parts in the same directory while extracting, an error message will show up...
Also it is necessary to have installed all the previous updates, in the order they were released, too, of course.